Mckinnley is the typical black and white husky you see in the movies, that’s where anything typical about this dog ends though. Kinners is a small, lean and athletic dog, akin to the original huskies from Siberia. He runs off lead and will happily fetch sticks, two things huskies aren’t supposed to do.
He runs in team position and is reliable and consistent in harness. Kinners loves people, especially children and is always a hit wherever he goes. Kinners is a hard worker, but doesn't like to go too fast. He will run his heart out for you and rarely lets you down, an awesome dog. He has zeros bloodlines, which is his running heritage. Kinners is very easy going out of harness and wants the easy life so he just lets the females get on with it......sensible male.
Please note all rides are pre-booked and we are not based on site
Start times:
Winter - 10am
Autumn / Spring - 9am
Summer - 8am
For the welfare of the dogs, Rides may be subject to time/date changes according to the temperature, so please leave time around your adventure in case of time changes.
We will give you as much notice as possible if rides need to be altered.
Summer Rides are all: 8am starts, please note in the summer due to temps and the teams welfare, we start early mornings if it is hot closer to your booked in date then we may move your booking up to 6am at the earliest, we may do this with in the last 24 hours if we feel its in the safety of the dogs, if too hot then we would postpone your ride, please note we do not refund or re book if we time change so you need to be flexible.